
Fabry Disease Treatment and Management

How is Fabry disease treated?

Fabry disease is not a curable condition but can be treated by different options including disease-specific therapies such as enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) and pharmacological chaperone therapy. In addition to disease-specific therapies based on symptoms and body organs affected, additional therapies may be given for symptomatic relief1,3,4.

Current Available Therapies

  • Enzyme Replacement Therapy (ERT) was introduced in Europe in 2001 and offered as the first opportunity to treat the underlying enzyme deficiency of Fabry disease.
  • It provides an exogenous source of α-galactosidase A, replacing the deficient enzyme in the body's cells helping slow disease progression2.
  • Pharmacological chaperone therapy was introduced in Europe in 2016 and is an oral approach to managing Fabry disease. The molecular pharmacological chaperones bind specifically to the target enzyme α-galactosidase A and stabilize it3,4,5.
  • Other treatment interventions like pain killers, anti-hypertensives (blood pressure medicine), dialysis,diuretics (medicine to reduce fluids in the body), pacemakers (device that helps control your heartbeat) etc. may be used while managing the complications of Fabry disease6.

Please contact your doctor to understand what treatment options are available.